Lecture, Recitation and Office Hours
The course lectures are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 1PM-2PM, in room 4-370.
The lectures will be recorded, so you will able to access them asynchronously if you need to. You can find the videos by following the LWLC link on the Canvas toolbar.
Nevertheless, we strongly encourage you to attend in person.
We have four different recitation sections, all of them on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is required that you sign-up and attend (at least) one of them. The current slots are:
- Tu-Th 10AM-11AM (room 3-442, TA: Morris)
- Tu-Th 12PM-1PM (room 4-149, TA: Neha)
- Tu-Th 1PM-2PM (room 4-149, TA: Andrey)
- Tu-Th 3PM-4PM (room 2-139, TA: Shaden)
These times may be revised during the first week of classes, depending on enrollment.
Office hours:
Monday 3pm-4pm. (TA: Shaden, Room 26-210)
Tuesdays 4pm-5pm. (TA: Morris, Room 26-314)
Wednesdays 2pm-3pm. (Lecturer: Ankur, Room 2-472)
Thursdays 3pm-4pm (TA:Neha, Room 4-145)
No Office Hours Thursday at 8 on December 15th.
Saturday Dec 17 and Tuesday Dec 20, 8pm-9pm (TA: Andrey, https://mit.zoom.us/j/3543455191) Links to an external site.
Fridays 2:30pm-3:30pm (Lecturer: Pablo, Room 26-314)
All times are Boston (US Eastern) timezone.