Homework and Exams Policy


Problem sets are handed out in an approximately biweekly basis -- the full schedule with exact dates is available in the Calendar Download Calendar.

Please look at the Assignments section for the Problem Sets.

We expect you to turn in all completed problem sets on time. Homework problems are submitted via Gradescope (see link on the toolbar on the left). 

If you submit after the stated deadline (but within 24 hours), there will be a 10% penalty on the grade.

After 24 hours, late homework will not be accepted, unless there is a prior arrangement with the instructors.



The course will have two midterm exams and one final exam.  The dates are

  • Midterm 1: Wednesday October 12th 7:30PM-9PM, Room 32-123 (Kirsch Auditorium, Stata Center)
    The material covered in the midterm is everything we've seen in Lectures 1 to 12 (inclusive).

  • Midterm 2: Tuesday November 15th 7:30PM-9PM, Room 4-270 and Room 4-370
    The midterm will cover material up to and including Lecture 24 (symmetric matrices).

  • Final Exam: Wednesday December 21st, 1:30PM-4:30PM, Dupont Gym (W31)

Each midterm will count for 15% of the grade, and the final for 20%.