6.7230 Algebraic Techniques and Semidefinite Optimization

Home Page

Welcome to 6.7230/18.456 Semidefinite Optimization! 

The first lecture of this course is Wednesday 2/7 at 1pm, on Room 36-153.

Please see the syllabus for full details.

Lecture Notes


We will be using Piazza for class discussions.

The course website is https://piazza.com/mit/spring2024/6723018456/home Links to an external site.

Grading is split evenly (50/50) between:
1. Problem sets (total ~7, approximately one pset every two weeks)
2. Class project.

There is no final exam.



Pset Partners:  This is a new MIT problem-set partner-matching website. Please check it out, and sign up!



Getting started with Sum Of Squares:

sums-of-squares.github.io/sos Links to an external site.