Video Essays Peer-Review Form
- Due Nov 17, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box
As a part of the video project you are required to provide a confidential peer evaluation as a part of the submission (due at the same time as the video).
Given this assignment was a group project, I’d like to get some insight into your assessment of team contributions and labor. Each person must provide feedback on all members of the team, with an eye toward how their individual work contributed to the total group effort. Total effort can include the following: leadership and coordination, arranging meetings, facilitating group conversation, identifying resources, analysis of materials, shaping arguments and building evidence, contributing creative ideas and suggestions, uploading and maintaining materials, writing or editing (including of AV content). It’s reasonable in a group that different members may focus on different tasks, though the overall shape of the project should be a joint effort and each member is expected to carry a fair share of the workload.
Contribution division. Assess the contribution of each person relative to the total group effort. Allocate a total of 100% labor among all members including yourself. For example, in a group of four, if all members shared equally in the work, each would receive 25% but if three members did most of the work, you might have a 30/30/30/10 split. The total % allocated should add up to 100 regardless of number of group members.
Additional notes
Though not required, feel free to add any explanatory remarks you feel necessary below if you’d like to provide any information to help me get a sense of the labor distribution, any issues that may have arisen, etc.
Use the table below as a template. These worksheets will be confidential and only I will see them. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me.
Group member names |
Contribution (100% distributed) |
Your name |
Group mate |
Group mate |
Group mate |