Canvas External Apps Seed Funds
What you need to know
Canvas capabilities can be extended by integrating third-party apps via the Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) standards. The list of external apps already integrated into Canvas @MIT is here: List of Existing External Apps in Canvas
MIT's LMS Advisory Committee Download LMS Advisory Committee has defined the following process for MIT instructors wishing to request integration of external apps which have existing LTI integrations into MIT's Canvas ecosystem. This is not a fund for new app development.
This process is necessary for the safety and privacy of our students and their data, it takes time, and will occur in the semester prior to the anticipated use of newly approved apps. This process is new and will be revised as needed going forward. This process is specifically for requesting integration into Canvas and is not needed if instructors are simply linking out to apps, which continues to be up to instructor discretion and/or local norms, in compliance with FERPA policies, as in the past.
Requests can be made at one of three levels:
- Level 1: Single class or a few classes
- Level 2: Academic Department or Academic Unit or school-wide use
- Level 3: MIT-wide integration
For Levels 1 & 2: the LMSAC will make recommendations to the MIT Canvas Team for which proposed apps to integrate and fund for an initial period, typically one year or up to two course runs, with an expectation that the Academic Department/Unit or School will provide subsequent support if they see the tool as successful. Proposals must arrive with endorsement from the appropriate Academic Department/Unit Head or Dean. LMSAC funding is limited and partial funding is suggested to the degree that Academic Departments/Units can contribute.
For Level 3: proposals for tools to be used MIT-wide can be considered and prioritized by the LMSAC, but this committee does not make decisions at this scale. If it prioritizes something on this scale, it will bring a recommendation to MIT's IT Governance Committee (ITGC).
- Proposals: accepted on a rolling basis; first come, first served.
- Provisional decisions communicated (pending subsequent reviews re: security, data privacy, cost, etc.) 1-2 months after submission deadline.
Selection - priority will be given to:
- Proposed apps for which the Canvas integration adds significant instructional / pedagogical value to MIT subject(s) in ways that are not supported by existing tools in Canvas.
- Integrations which go beyond just login (authentication) or what can be achieved by simply linking out to the external tool, without Canvas integration.
- Proposals with demonstrated appeal beyond the proposer. Applicants are encouraged to reach out to others and note those with expressed interest with their application.
What you need to do:
Complete the application form Links to an external site. and submit your letter of support to All MIT instructors are eligible to apply.
If provisionally awarded, agree to cooperate with necessary reviews (security, data privacy, cost, etc.)
If awarded and then successfully reviewed:
- Provide any necessary input to Canvas team during integration.
- Use the tool.
- After using the tool: report back how it went via a brief interview from which Open Learning can generate a mini-case in Residential Digital Innovations or offering an xTalk, Duet talk, or other similar effort to share out what was learned to the MIT community.
If you need additional information, have questions, or to submit your letter of support, email: