Edit Videos
See Panopto Resources about Editing Videos, including:
Ex) Trimming the beginning and/or end of a lecture capture or Zoom recording; cutting parts of a past video being reused that are no longer applicable to the current context
Above is an example of using the Panopto Editor to trim blank visuals/audio from the beginning of a Zoom recording.
Related Resources:
- Add a clip to splice multiple sessions together
- Adding a video intro, outro, or new content into a existing session
- Add audio descriptions
- Adding descriptions to be read out loud during a video's playback that provide visually impaired learners with visual context for what is being presented
- Note: Panopto supports extended audio descriptions. For more information on writing audio descriptions, please visit the W3C: Web Accessibility Initiative's article, Audio Description of Visual Information
- Adding descriptions to be read out loud during a video's playback that provide visually impaired learners with visual context for what is being presented
- Change the name and thumbnail image of a video
- Making it easier for students to locate and identify a video in a course's Panopto folder on Canvas