Qwickly Attendance

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Qwickly Attendance Overview & Resources


What is Qwickly?

  • An attendance-taking tool with different modes for checking students in, including the option for students to self-report attendance in Canvas using their own device. 

How can Qwickly help with teaching & learning?

  • Streamlines the process of taking attendance
    • Students can check themselves in via PIN or QR code, or 
    • Instructor can manually enter attendance statuses
  • Integrates with the Canvas Gradebook
    • Options for session-based grading (award points for attending a class) or absence-based grading (subtract points per absence)

Qwickly & Canvas Integration

  • From the course navigation menu: 'Settings' > 'Navigation' tab > drag 'Qwickly Attendance' from the bottom list to the top list > click 'Save' at the bottom of the page. Qwickly Attendance should now appear as an option in the course navigation menu. 
    • Note: Students can view their attendance statuses/grades within the Qwickly interface on Canvas or on the Canvas Grades page.
  • The first time Qwickly is launched, you will be prompted to 'Begin Setup' and confirm preferences and attendance settings.

Other Qwickly Resources