Section Overview

  • III) How to Use Lightboard > b) Effective Lightboard Instruction > Section Overview

Instructional Best Practices

The quality of Lightboard videos you make can be much higher with just a little bit of practice and preparation on the right things. This section recommends some instructional best practices to follow while making a Lightboard video that should result in engaging and effective learning for your students. Best practices are categorized as follows:

Behavior: Body/Physical
  • Narrating while writing
  • Eye contact
  • Staying on mark
  • Contextual gaze 
  • Gesture
Behavior: Content/Board Deployment
  • Structure/organization of written content on board
  • Deployment of written content on board (i.e., start blank vs. pre-drawn)
  • Leaving space around the writing to frame your face
  • Erasing - errors or to make room
  • Annotating a graphic
Putting It All Together to Cultivate a Social Presence
  • Fostering a social partnership with learners
  • Giving social cues that help learners engage in more active cognitive processing of the content
  • Achieving the right mix of social cues and instructor presence to facilitate learning