4.S33 Synchronizations of Senses

Synchronizations of Senses (SOS), a seminar/workshop/studio/study group/conversation, is a complement to 4.356Cinematic Migrations. This class invites in-depth examination of sense percepts, noting nuances, and articulating specificities. A generative focus is placed on the practices of varied practitioners¬–film directors, artists, musicians, composers, architects, designers–whose writings relay a process of thinking and feeling integral to their forms of material production.

Using prompts suggesting varying contexts, such as The Film Sense, written by Sergei Eisenstein, and The Cinema Interval, written by Trinh T. Minh-Ha, in addition to other writings by Eisenstein and Minh-Ha and others, the intention of this course is to create a space for experimentation, exploratory discussion and productions via aesthetic inquiry into perceptions of all senses.

Testing various ways aesthetic forms and their shifts—historic and contemporary—have relations to still emerging contemporary subjectivities (felt emotion in a human body), in this workshop/seminar we will study productions created by participants, case studies of varied producers, and generate new work individually and/or collaboratively via diverse media explorations, which include reading, writing, drawing, and publishing, as well as photographic, cinematic, spatial, and audio operations productions.

The course contents will comprise screenings, listening assignments, and guest visits, in addition to readings, discussions, and presentations. An aim is conviviality, rigor, and engagement fueled by the willingness of the participants to share perceptions and projects. The SOS Documentation Project, produced by the previous participants, is an ongoing accretive node.