All Courses

  • 7.015 Introductory Biology - 2020

    Emphasizes the application of fundamental biological principles to modern, trending topics in biology. Specific modules focus on antibiotic resistance, viruses, the microbiome, biotechnology (e.g., genetically-modified organisms and CRISPR-based genome editing), personal genetics and genomics, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolism (the science behind making wine, cheese, and natural product drugs.

  • 7.03 Genetics - Fall 2020

    The principles of genetics with application to the study of biological function at the level of molecules, cells, and multicellular organisms, including humans. Structure and function of genes, chromosomes, and genomes. Biological variation resulting from recombination, mutation, and selection. Population genetics. Use of genetic methods to analyze protein function, gene regulation, and inherited disease.

  • 6.436 Fundamentals of Probability

    This is a course on the fundamentals of probability geared towards first or second-year graduate students who are interested in a rigorous development of the subject. The course covers most of the topics in 6.041/6.431 (sample space, random variables, expectations, transforms, Bernoulli and Poisson processes, finite Markov chains, limit theorems) but at a faster pace and in a lot more depth. There is also a number of additional topics such as: language, terminology, and key results from measure theory; interchange of limits and expectations; multivariate Gaussian distributions; deeper understanding of conditional distributions and expectations. More details: See calendar and syllabus on Stellar.

  • 7.06 Cell Biology

    Presents the biology of cells of higher organisms. Studies the structure, function, and biosynthesis of cellular membranes and organelles; cell growth and oncogenic transformation; transport, receptors, and cell signaling; the cytoskeleton, the extracellular matrix, and cell movements; cell division and cell cycle; functions of specialized cell types. Emphasizes the current molecular knowledge of cell biological processes as well as the genetic, biochemical, and other experimental approaches that resulted in these discoveries.

  • 7.32 Systems Biology

    Introduction to cellular and population-level systems biology with an emphasis on synthetic biology, modeling of genetic networks, cell-cell interactions, and evolutionary dynamics. Cellular systems include genetic switches and oscillators, network motifs, genetic network evolution, and cellular decision-making. Population-level systems include models of pattern formation, cell-cell communications, and evolutionary systems biology. Students taking graduate version explore the subject in more depth.

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