Course Syllabus


Two lectures a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30am to 11:00am.

One recitation a week on Friday at 3:30pm to 4:30pm.

Office Hours

Please check the Google Calendar (preview) for the most up-to-date office hour times and locations.

Generally, OH will be:

- Monday 3pm - 4:30pm (Austin and Jianming)
- Tuesday 3pm - 4:30pm (Sanjay and Austin)
- Wednesday 2pm - 3:30pm (Martin and Jianming)
- Friday 2pm - 3:30pm (Martin and Sanjay)

We can also move or schedule more OH by appointment.


Most of the assignments are labs. We will generally start assigning parts of a lab the day the topic is introduced, and have the lab be due one week after the topic is finished. We may move due dates if a lab is unexpectedly difficult. :)

Some labs are in two parts:

- The first part is generally meant to be a warm-up and is usually graded for completion, 0 or 1 points. We will try to make sure the first part is not overwhelming, but rather helpful for doing the main part.
- The main part is graded from 0 to 2 points. 0 points will be awarded if nothing is turned in, 1 point will be awarded if instructors deem that the student has partial understanding of the lab material, and 2 points will be awarded for a working lab.

Grades are issued at checkoffs, which will be about 5 minutes during office hours. Students will have a few days after each lab due date to do the checkoff if they hadn't already. We will have sign-up sheets to book a checkoff slot.

Final Project

The final project will be to show and experiment with a cool architectural idea. It can be an extension from a lab we did in class or something original (with staff approval). It can be fairly open-ended. We will release more details closer to the date.

We plan to release the project handout in mid-April. We will also stop lectures around mid-late April, leaving about 3 weeks of the semester for regular final project meetings and check-ins with course staff.

The project will have several checkpoints to help you space out the work. A final report and presentation will be due in the last week of class.


Grade depends on Labs (70%) + Project (30%)

- A = >75%
- B = <75%
- C = <50%

A bonus 5% may be awarded for students who participate in lecture/on Piazza.

Late Policy

Every day following the due date of the lab, late work will be worth 10% points less. This is the only case in which students will receive a non-integer amount of points.


Tushar Krishna:
Thomas Bourgeat:

Martin Chan:
Jianming Tong:
Sanjay Seshan:
Austin White:

Sally Lee

Staff email: 6.192-staff@MIT.EDU

Please contact staff and TAs with any logistics questions.

For extenuating circumstances please contact course staff at

Tentative Schedule

This schedule is subject to change. We may move around labs if we move around the corresponding lectures.

The class can be thought of informally as 4 chunks:

- Introduction to Bluespec
- Processors and Caches Review
- Multiprocessors and Network-on-Chip
- Survey of Processor Optimizations

For lectures:

  • L01: Intro + Combinational Review [Lab 0 released]
    - L02: Sequential Review + Modules and Guards [Lab 1a released]
    - L03: Multirule Systems and Scheduling [Lab 1b released]
    - L04: Scheduling Constraints
    - (Presidents' Day)
    - L05: Processors I [Lab1 due, Lab 2a released] (Sanjay)
    - L06: Processors II [Lab 2b released; due one week after] (Sanjay)
    - L07: Caches [(TBD) Lab 3 released] (Thomas)
    - L08: Branch Prediction (Thomas)
    - L09: Superscalar (Martin)
    - L10: Multithreading/Simultaneous Multithreading (Thomas, virtual) [(TBD) Lab 4 released]
    - L11: Programming SMT (Thomas, virtual)
    - L12: Multiprocessors and Sequential Consistency (Tushar)
    - L13: Cache Coherence (Tushar)
    - (Spring Break x2)
    - Vector Machines [TBD, start project, maybe sooner depending on pace?]
    - Connecting Accelerators
    - Network-on-Chip I (Tushar) [(TBD) Lab 5 released]
    - Network-on-Chip II (Jianming)
    - Project Proposals
    - (😶Surprise😶)
    - [about 5 or 6 "empty" slots]
    - Final Presentations

Course Summary:

Date Details Due