Book Review Analysis
- Due Feb 21, 2024 by 2pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a file upload
- Available after Feb 14, 2024 at 2pm
Submit by Feb 21 @ 2p to Canvas (PDF, make sure to include your name).
This assignment is focused on becoming familiar with social science book reviews within media studies and sociology. The goal is to give you some sense of style and conventions in preparation for writing your own book review.
1. Take a look at the following journals and read three book reviews from them (make sure you have the MIT library proxy set up if you are not seeing full text access for Open Access/OA journals):
- Select one review to analyze more closely. Choose one that moves beyond simply describing the book (even in journals you sometimes find superficial reviews) to a piece that engages with the arguments and evaluates the work overall.
- Submit a PDF that includes the following elements:
- The complete citation info to the three book reviews you read. Make sure you are using a standard citation format (see if you are unsure).
- Specify the review you will be focusing on.
- A 150-250 word analysis of its style and form. What are the main elements of the review? How does it address the issue of audience? What does it do to move beyond simple description of the chapters? How does it evaluate the work? Is it linking up to other scholarship? Evaluating evidence? Connecting the book to larger conversations or debates?