In-class thematic presentation
- Due Apr 17, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a file upload
Varying due dates (see below for schedule)
For this assignment you and your team should craft a short (10-15 min) presentation that illustrates an argument/concept/point (a small case study) from reading's for that week's class using a contemporary example. You should have a question or two in mind that you want to pose to the class to discuss as well that builds off your presentation.
Your case can be something you draw from your own experiences using a platform (for example, a close look and analysis at the privacy settings on TikTok) or some popular press coverage of an issue that you dig into a bit (for example, Links to an external site.would offer a fascinating case to tell us about).
The goal here is to bring an example to the table that helps illustrate or dive into the arguments for that week's readings.
You must upload your plan/presentation (PDF) to Canvas (under the assignment) by 5p the day before class so I can take a quick look and flag any important feedback.
Feb 28: Zee & Stacy
March 6: Alex & Paulo
March 20: Anna & Fifi
April 3: Linda & Michael
April 10: William, Ankit, and Sarah
April 17: Ivan & Jay