Advanced Topics Presentation
- Due No Due Date
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
For discussion leaders:
When you sign-up for an advanced topic you have two main responsibilities: setting up the topic and getting the class involved in exploring it.
You should kick off by presenting a brief overview of the readings assigned for that topic. Your overview shouldn't be more than 10-15 minutes (you are welcome to use something like Keynote/PPT or not). You should focus on highlighting key conceptual issues and provocations (not a rehash of the entire articles beat by beat). Think of it as analysis vs. simply description. If you want to draw on additional outside readings or scenarios to help flesh out or situate your overview that is also certainly welcome.
After your overview you should prepare a way to get everyone involved in a discussion about the issue(s) being raised. This can be a group discussion where you have some key questions prepared to get things moving or some small group exercise to help people dig into the material more.
** You must prepare your “lesson plan” by the Friday before the session and upload it to Canvas for feedback from T.L. **
For everyone else:
It is the responsibility of everyone to come prepared to engage with the material and questions the team is presenting that week. While you are not responsible for reading the articles (though please feel free to do so if one of the topics particularly catches your eye!) you should be fully participating in the advanced topic session: listening, thinking about discussion angles to follow-up on, and helping move the conversation forward.