Post/Share Videos
Note: the resources on this page are specific to posting and sharing Panopto videos for students on Canvas. For Panopto's general resources about sharing videos, see here.
There are 3 main ways that students can access Panopto videos on a Canvas site:
1) The 'Panopto Video' link in the navigation menu, where students will see all videos posted/uploaded to the course folder
2) Add a Panopto video to a Module, where students will access a link to the video from under a particular Module
3) Embed a Panopto video on any page that has the Rich Content Editor, including a Page (example below), Announcement, Assignment, Quiz, or Discussion
Related Resources:
- Panopto Permissions and Sharing at MIT
- Note: For automated classroom lecture capture, the recordings are by default made available to all registered students via the Panopto folder on the Canvas site. However, you can control access by delaying publication or restricting access as desired (i.e., if you only want certain individuals to have access, or want the video be available only during a certain time period such as for exam review purposes).