Course Syllabus




Rehearsals: Tuesday & Thursday, 7:30PM-10:00pm in Kresge Auditorium and/or online via Zoom


Dr. Adam Boyles, Music Director,

Course number: 21M.421

Office Hours: By appointment only


Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to enrich all aspects musical understanding and appreciation through the study, rehearsal, and performance of orchestral music from the past 300+ years to the present day.


I. Virtual attendance

Much of our work this semester will be done online, especially for first-year through third-year undergraduates. For all synchronous class meetings arranged online via Zoom (or an equivalent videoconferencing program), on-time attendance is mandatory. Any unexcused absences will have an effect on the resulting grade. Unless there are reasons given in advance, you will also be expected to have your video on at all times.

For an absence to be approved as excused, the Music Director must be notified by email at least one week in advance.  The amount of excused absences a student has will have a bearing upon final grades.  In case of illness or emergency, please contact the Music Director as soon as possible.  False claims of illness will result in automatic failure of the course.  No absences will be approved for the seven calendar days prior to a performance.

MIT policy ensures that students are not obligated to miss a regularly scheduled course in order to take an exam in another; therefore, please resolve any conflicts of this sort with your other professors during the first week of class to prevent an absence from MITSO.  Failure to resolve these conflicts within an appropriate period of time does not absolve you from the responsibility of attending rehearsal, and a missed rehearsal for this reason will be counted as an unexcused absence.


II. In-person attendance

At the present time, seniors and graduate students will have the option of some in-person rehearsals and performance. All in-person activities are completely optional, and accommodations will be made for those students who choose not to participate. This will not have an adverse effects on grading.

Due to the nature of ensemble performance and rehearsal, attendance not only has an effect on the preparation and performance of the individual student, but the orchestra at large.  On-time attendance at all rehearsals is therefore mandatory.  Any unexcused absences will have a direct consequence on the student's grade, seating, and participation in performances.  Absences unrelated to health or an emergency circumstance will not be excused the day of a rehearsal.

For an absence to be approved as excused, the Music Director must be notified by email at least one week in advance.  The amount of excused absences a student has will have a bearing upon final grades.  In case of illness or emergency, please contact the Music Director as soon as possible.  False claims of illness will result in automatic failure of the course.  No absences will be approved for the seven calendar days prior to a performance.

MIT policy ensures that students are not obligated to miss a regularly scheduled course in order to take an exam in another; therefore, please resolve any conflicts of this sort with your other professors during the first week of class to prevent an absence from MITSO.  Failure to resolve these conflicts within an appropriate period of time does not absolve you from the responsibility of attending rehearsal, and a missed rehearsal for this reason will be counted as an unexcused absence.


III. Grading

Grades will be based on an evaluation of the following:

1) Musical preparation

2) Attendance

3) Successful completion of jury (if requested)

3) Proper rehearsal demeanor/professional courtesy

4) Returning parts promptly, and in good condition, when necessary


IV. Concert Dress

Men:                Black tuxedo, bow tie, socks, dress shoes, white shirt.

Women:       Long, black dress or black blouse with long skirt/pants, black dress shoes.


V. Juries

A jury may be requested at the discretion of the MD. It will be scheduled between the player and MD outside of regular rehearsals time. Should a satisfactory level of playing not be achieved during the jury, the player will be asked to sit out the upcoming concert, and grades will be affected accordingly.


VI. Seating and Tuning

Seating is determined solely by the Music Director, and is based primarily on the needs of the music being performed.  Other considerations include audition performance, preparedness, and noted improvement during a semester.

In-seat attendance will be taken at 7:30pm. MITSO will tune precisely at 7:33pm.  All electronic devices, except tuners, must be turned OFF before rehearsal begins.  Tuning pitch is A = 440Hz.

Tuning is one of the most important aspects of an orchestra rehearsal, both for technical and psychological reasons.  Talking during tuning is unacceptable, and will factor negatively into one's final grade.


VII. Additional Policies and Information 

The MD is available outside of rehearsal time for private coachings, concerns, etc. These may be arranged via email with the MD directly.

The MD will endeavor to post and/or email rehearsal schedules a week in advance.  The student is responsible for knowing whether or not they are needed at a rehearsal.

Any original parts that you receive are the property of MITSO, the Music Director's personal library, or rentals acquired directly from publishers.  Please treat them with respect and good care.  You are responsible for returning all music immediately after each concert performance, and you will be charged for lost or damaged music.  Grades will also be withheld from and bars placed upon those students who have not returned their music.

During the semester, there will be occasional social events for members of MITSO.  While these are not graded or mandatory, it is hoped that MITSO members will attend these extra-curricular events to socialize, vent about classes, and maybe even get some free food and drink.


VII. Schedule, Concerts, and Online Offerings

We will endeavor to meet every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7:30-8:30 online, and then breakout into sectionals, coachings, or in-person rehearsals. Much of this will depend on class size, instrumentation, etc. I am fully aware that you will be spending an enormous amount of time online this semester, and I will not only work to keep our time efficient, but rewarding and enjoyable as well.

At this time, we hope to have an in-person performance on November 19, 2020, 8pm, Kresge Auditorium. This will be for those rehearsing in-person only, repertoire TBA.

We also hope to build a few virtual performances, such as the Beethoven 7 project last spring. Repertoire TBA.


VIII. Important websites!3085!3!379243313516!e!!g!!adobe%20audition&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrtmElfTN6wIVl4vICh37WQ7KEAAYASAAEgK5YfD_BwE